Policies and Procedures Test

User ID: Date:07/27/2024

  1. If, for any reason, there is a change in your availability, formal, written notification is required how many days prior to it going in effect?
  2. Notify your immediate supervisor at least _______ hours prior to the start of your scheduled shift if absent or late.
  3. Absences due to medical emergencies or illness must be accompanied by a note from your doctor. Note must be received by the Human Resources Department within __________ of your absence.
     6 hours
     1 hour
     48 hours
     44 hours
  4. You must satisfactorily complete a minimum of ________ hours of continuing education training every year in order to ensure continued competence.
     8 hours
     48 hours
     12 hours
     16 hours
  5. If you must leave early, you must do the following in this exact order:
     Let your client know, clock out, then call your supervisor
     Call your supervisor, let your client know, clock out
     Call your supervisor, get permission to leave, clock out
     Call the on-coming staff and tell them to come early, let the client know, clock out
  6. Chain of command. When you have an issue, who is the first person that you should approach about it?
     My client
     The owner of AHS
     Alexandria Police Department
     My immediate supervisor
  7. It is against state regulations for a DSW to work more than _____ hours in a 24 hour period:
  8. I can carry a gun at my client’s home as long as I have a concealed carry permit.
  9. I cannot smoke in my consumer’s home even if they are a smoker and don’t mind:
  10. E-cigarettes and chewing tobacco are included in the rules regarding smoking:
  11. You are told by another DSW working the same home that you can leave early because she showed up to her shift early. Pack up and go.
  12. If I need to make more money, I can work as many hours a day that I want, as long as I have a babysitter:
  13. If I have things to do at my home, I can bring the client to my house, as long as her needs continue to be met.
  14. I can use my cellphone when I’m driving as long as I don’t speak too loud and disturb my client.
  15. As long as I have a prescription, I can take whatever medication is prescribed to me.
  16. I can wear shorts to work as long as it is at least 80 degrees outside:
  17. If my client requests, I can clean their house in my bare feet.
  18. I can go live on Facebook at my client’s house as long as I don’t show my client’s face or their address
  19. My client drinks beer when I am on my shift at his house. I should have one with him if he offers it, so I don’t hurt his feelings.
  20. Under no circumstances are direct service employees to leave a client unattended.