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Driver Safety Test
User ID: Date:02/16/2025
Improperly inflated tires can reduce your gas mileage and affect your ability to control the vehicle.
Most accidents caused by fatigue occur after six hours of driving.
Which is a contributing cause of motor vehicle accidents?
Cell phones
Aggressive driver behavior
Improper following distance
More congested roadways
All of the above
How often does a motor vehicle accident occur?
Every 5-seconds
Every 10-seconds
5 times per hour
Every 10-minutes
When should turn signal indicators be used?
Just as you begin your turn or lane change
Only when there are other vehicles present
5-8 second prior to turning or changing lanes
No less than 15 seconds before executing your move
What percentage or motor vehicle fatalities involve alcohol and other drugs?
17 percent
21 percent
33 percent
41 percent
Perception time when stopping the vehicle is…
the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.
the amount of time it takes you to realize the need to apply the brake.
the amount of time you should wait before preceding into an intersection.
the amount of time you have between you and the vehicle in front of you.
the amount of time it takes the vehicle to come to a stop
Which is a means of communicating with other drivers?
The positioning of your vehicle
The use of friendly hand gestures
Tapping your brakes
Turn signals
All of the above
It is estimated that 85 percent of all accidents are attributed to driver error.
Over 19,000 people who died in motor vehicle accidents last year did not have a seatbelt on. Approximately how many of those individuals would still be alive today if they had buckled up?
10 percent
20 percent
30 percent
40 percent
50 percent