Assisting with Medications Test

User ID: Date:01/19/2025

  1. Adverse reactions include:
    Difficulty concentrating
    Loss of hearing or ringing in the ears
    Blurred or double vision
    All of the above
  2. The more medications a person take, the more chance there is of:
    Onset of senility
    Unsafe drug interactions, falls and motor vehicle accidents
    Developing Parkinson's or Lou Gehrig disease
    None of the above
  3. Ways that aging affects medicationresponse include:
    Becomes more varied and unpredictable
    All of the above
  4. Taking multiple prescription drugs:
    Is not common among the elderly
    Increases the risk of adverse reactions
    Decreases the need for medication patches
    Increases the risk for diabetes
  5. When you assist with medications:
    You can remind your client to take his or her medications
    Stay with the person until he or she has taken the medications
    Record when you assisted and that medications were taken successfully
    All of the above
  6. Things to report include:
    Your client refuses to take medications or takes them at the wrong time
    Your client is unable to take the medications him or herself
    Your client takes medications too often or not often enough
    All of the above
  7. The Five Rs are:
    Right temperature, right person, right amount, right day, right consistency
    Right angle, right before or after nap, right person, right time, right amount
    Right person, right medication, right dose, right time, right route of administration
    None of the above
  8. Assisting with medications include:
    Handing the appropriately marked medication container to the client
    Inquiring about whether medications were taken
    Reminding the client to take his or her medicine
    All of the above
  9. You are not permitted to:
    Put the medications into the medications organizer
    Take the medications out of the medications organizer
    Give a glass of water
    A and B
  10. When helping with medications:
    Wash your hands thoroughly
    Fill the medication container with the appropriate medication
    Dispense the medication to the client
    Hand the client a glass of milk
  11. The client is responsible to take is or her own medications including eye and eardrops, nasal sprays or ointment:
    True False
  12. Older adults use more prescriptionand over-the-counter medications than any other age group.
    True False
  13. A side effect is an unusual, unexpcted response to medications.
    True False
  14. Some foods slow or increase absorpion of a medication.
    True False
  15. Do not assume that depression, fatgue, confusion or weakness in an elderly person is a natural part of aging.It may be an adverse reaction to medication.
    True False
  16. Medications must be stored in a wam, dry place.
    True False
  17. Some adverse reactions such as depession, confusion or forgetfulness may take weeks and months to develop.
    True False
  18. You are not allowed to open the prperly labeled container if the client is physically unable to open it.
    True False
  19. Used needles should be disposed ofin a puncture-proof, leak proof appropriately marked container.
    True False
  20. Always recap needles before placin them in the container.
    True False